BBB's automotive HQ

Hitting the road soon? Let a Better Business help you along the ride.

Looking for auto tips and advice? BBB has expert resources to help you at every step of your journey.

Discover our pro tips on buying new and used cars, selling your vehicle, renting with confidence, and keeping your car in top shape.

Before buying or selling a car, stay informed with BBB's tips on budgeting, financing, negotiating deals, and maximizing trade-in values. 

Navigate the car rental process effortlessly with BBB's tips on finding deals, renting during shortages, and using ride-shares.

BBB offers guidance on auto insurance, vehicle maintenance, and repairs to help you stay informed and keep your car in excellent condition while avoiding costly mistakes.

Stay safe in the automotive world with BBB's tips on avoiding car-related scams, from fraudulent sales to fake vehicle title scams. Learn how to protect yourself and make secure decisions with confidence.


Additional automotive resources

BBB AUTO LINE® helps consumers and businesses resolve vehicle warranty, lemon law, and class action disputes in a hassle-free and cost-effective manner.

The Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan helps consumers and manufacturers resolve disputes about vehicle assembly, material defects, and how the new vehicle warranty is applied through binding arbitration.   

If you're thinking of donating a car to charity, BBB offers information and guidance so you can feel confident when you donate a car to a charitable organization.

Auto businesses and providers you can trust

If you're looking for a car dealer, BBB helps you find one you can trust! If you are a car dealer, BBB has resources to help you be a Better Business.

If you're looking for help with your car repair or an auto mechanic looking for tips on running your business, look no further!

If you're looking for an insurance company, BBB helps you find one you can trust. If you own an insurance company, BBB has resources to help you.

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