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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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Scammer post on Facebook to an "Old Metairie Rentals" group stating: "Anyone interested in purchasing my 4 Taylor Swift tickets for New Orleans, LA 27th of October (Plaza level 115. Row 33) PM if interested thank you #everyone #taylorswift." So I reached out asking how much per ticket. She claims "I am selling each for $300...if you don't mind me asking how many are you looking to purchase. I said probably only 2. "Alright. If you don't mind me asking before we proceed do you have a ticketmaster account for receiving the tickets?" So I sent her my email linked to my ticketmaster. Then we tried 2 different venmo accounts and a paypal account but none of my money would send over. Which I know now was probably for my protection. So after an hour of trying different payment methods. She suggested zelle. Zelle let me login through my CapitalOne banking app and transfer the money through there. So I sent the first $300 and then $200 because the zelle app will only allow you to send $500 a day. So I said I would get her the other $100 the next day. So today I went to go send the final $100 and it still was not letting me. I started to really freak out and decided to try to cancel the ticket purchase and ask for my money back and she blocked me and there's no way to get in touch with her or whoever it is.

Dollars Lost


Targeted Person's Location

LA, USA- 70003

Scammer Information
Scammer location logo

Unknown Location

Mail logo

Unknown Email

Mobile logo

(818) 658-0928

Web logo

zelle names Timothy (3476057934), Jennifer (8186580928). last 4 digits for several venmo accounts: @heather-viderman-1 (2729), @danny-corso (6794), @chris-lane-282 (2985)

Scam Type

Online Purchase

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Business name


Date Reported

April 1, 2024

Scam ID


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