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My mother has fallen victim to a crypto currency scam being perpetrated through social media. An individual going by the name Axel Vasa contacted my mother through Facebook. Here is his attached facebook profile page . He has told my mother that there will be an impending financial collapse and that she needs to have money in a crypto currency known as XRP. He claims that the only way the crypto currency will be safe is if she deposits the XRP to his website He had my mom then sign up for the crypto currency exchange website where she would make her purchases of XRP. Axel Vasa directed my mother to the website where she would link her trust wallet and allegedly be depositing her XRP for safe keeping. She has told me that she has deposited $30,000 in XRP as of today. I have just now become aware that this was taking place as of 12/22/2023.

Dollars Lost


Targeted Person's Location

AZ, USA- 85213

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Unknown Location

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Unknown Email

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Unknown Phone Number

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Date Reported

December 23, 2023

Scam ID


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