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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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the scammer did a commercial on IG to join their group of trading. the trading system was . I signed up for the app it seemed legit. until they claimed that they was from the fidelity management group. they had the names and the ID just like them. they even told the group to look them up which I did and it seemed legit. we was trading for 3 months everything was ok until I joined the falcon project you have to put in a certain amount of money, so you needed 200 thousand to trade. so the people who didnt join the Falcon project got blocked. it seems like its a couple of people working with them. just the language that they were using seemed strange. susan is the lady name that would ask you to get more money so your profits will be higher she would hound you to get it. it was a lot of people on their platform. please help me

Dollars Lost


Targeted Person's Location

PA, USA- 19406

Scammer Information
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Mail logo

Unknown Email

Mobile logo

(252) 250-3530

Web logo

Unknown URL

Scam Type


Learn More

Business name

CryptoCurrency Scam

Date Reported

December 11, 2023

Scam ID


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