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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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Sweet talk tactics and my dumbass fell for it Meet her by what’s app supposed ttext wrong number just started talking weeks later asked about if I know anything about cryptocurrency I said no and she said she can help me out with it so I trued it and made some money, then ahe about I should take out money so my dumb ass pulled out from my 401(k) $41000 and invested it supposedly and supposedly made $59k but not sure if it’s true so I tired to withdraw it. (she helped with everything I gave screenshot of everything) And got an email the next day that I had to pay $11,878 to withdraw my funds to get out from the money and they said no and I don’t have that money so I had to borrow $12,000 from the bank and deposited into it and then the next day got another email saying that I need to put $28,768 or I would be reported for money laundering if I didn’t pay. I’ve asked how would I pay that amount if I just paid $12,000 and said I have 30 days to pay but just got an email now saying I have to pay by Nov,04,2023 so don’t make since when the withdrawal was on Oct.16,2023 how’s that 30 days need help have to pay my 401(k) and my bank the total of $53,000 which is $1,300 a month and can’t pay that Thanks You already filed with FBI ic3 both backs and loco PD & CFPB and now you guys the BBB. Not sure how many uploads I can do

Dollars Lost


Targeted Person's Location

CA, USA- 93550

Scammer Information
Scammer location logo

Los Angeles, CA

Mail logo

Unknown Email

Mobile logo

1(657) 204-0831

Web logo

Scam Type


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Business name


Date Reported

October 22, 2023

Scam ID


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