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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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I received an inquiry from Rayyan in respect to finding a home to purchase in my hometown. We spoke on the phone ( his phone 716-216-2936 and later found 650-265-0823) and I developed his search criteria. During our conversations other interests came up and he told me about his occupation of being an online trader of cryptocurrency. He started to share more and more about how he has been successful. He traded through a platform called Quedex that allows you to conduct cryptocurrency option trading. Through discussions I became interested and set up an account that he helped me create. My account went through my crypto wallet so I felt it was secure. Through my wallet I would go to my browser and type in "" (and From here I would have access to the Quedex platform and could conduct crpyto option trading. Rayyan and I would communicate through WhatsApp most entirely. In order to trade, I would deposit money from my bank and into Coinbase, from Coinbase I would then transfer the funds into my Quedex account. Everything was in my control and only guided by Rayyan. I begin trading on the platform with his guidance as well. He would teach me the trends and I would place bids when trends lined up. I was very successful and mostly always traded correctly. As my funds grew my confidence grew. He would convince me to deposit more money into the account because the crypto market was doing really well for option trading. I decided to continue to invest and increase my stakes. Over a period of 5 weeks I had deposited close to $250k. My account size grew to roughly $2.3M from my successful trades. Then on 7/27 Rayyan showed me how to withdraw my funds. I attempted just $100 and it went through with no issues into my Coinbase account. He then told me to go ahead and take out $2M because he didn't like keeping a lot of money within Quedex. When I attempted to withdraw this amount the Quedex customer support informed me that the amount was too large and I needed to make a security deposit of 10% or roughly 200k. I proceeded to do this as I didn’t know if I had any other options. After I successfully deposited this amount into my Quedex account, they informed me that I was roughly 6 months out in the queue to receive my deposit. If I’d like it faster I could become a VIP member. A VIP member (in which they said I would get all my funds back) was $122,222 USD. After some back and forth I agreed and deposited this amount into my Quedex account. Once again they acknowledged that I did that but since then they had a lot of Super VIP members ask for withdraws. I queue was still 6 months out. They promised if I became a Super VIP then that would finish the tiers of membership and I would receive all of my funds back immediately. I told them that I will wait it out. Once I confirmed that I would no longer be depositing funds into my quedex account Rayyan stopped talking to me, and the Quedex Customer Service also stopped talking to me. Rayyan even blocked me on WhatsApp almost immediately. A few weeks went by and I was ofcrouse frantic looking for answers and constantly checking my Quedex account and that the funds are still there. Even today the funds are there in the account but now there is no customer support or anyone that is able to withdraw my funds. My account is essentially frozen. I now fear that this was a very sophisticated scam and my money is now lost forever. I essentially lost everything I have if I am unable to recover these funds. I have my conversation with Quedex customer support saved and also the majority of my conversation with Rayyan saved as well.

Dollars Lost


Targeted Person's Location

FL, USA- 33040

Scammer Information
Scammer location logo

New York, NY

Mobile logo

(716) 216-2936

Web logo

Scam Type


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Business name

Can't get cryptofunds out

Date Reported

September 14, 2023

Scam ID


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