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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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I received an email from Mr. White Elizabeth from Bio Health Pharmaceuticals saying they saw my resume on (which I do have on that site) and inviting me for an interview. I was sceptical about it as I wasn't able to find much info about the company but I contacted Tony Rall as instructed. My next yellow flag was the meeting took place on Microsoft Teams but did not include video. It was text only. I asked Mr. Rall for information about his company, which he proceeded to give me a 15 minute presentation on. It all "seemed" fairly legit at that point so I continued with on with an interview. At the end he offered me the job advised me how much I would make and that someone would contact me to make arrangements for me to be sent the necessary supplies for my office. He did ask for my name, address phone and email address, which could already be found on my resume. I told him since I had not heard of their company before that I wanted him to send me information about it. He sent me the web address that I mentioned earlier in this complaint. I told him I would explore their company in greater detail and get back with them on Monday. That's when I found the red flags. 1 article from the BBB and 2 others regarding this type of scam. 1 of them even mentioned the company name and nearly exactly what I experienced. I sure wish I had found that when i researched them before I contacted them. Fortunately he didn't get much of my personal info and no money, other that the salary, was discussed. The other email address used was [email protected]. According to its website, it's located in Australia.

Targeted Person's Location

Unknown Location

Scammer Information
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Unknown Location

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Unknown Phone Number

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Scam Type


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Business name


Date Reported

July 21, 2023

Scam ID


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