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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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I was duped into something known as a "Romance Scam". The person identifies himself as "Luke De Vries" but I think this is a cover. "Luke" has stolen the photos and video of a Dutch reality show celebrity and real estate mogul Wesley Adema. We have been talking online very shortly on Hinge, then Google Voice text, and then a majority of the time on WhatsApp. He has sent me many photos and videos as "Luke" but with Wesley's and Wesley's son's images. His "mobile" phone number on Google Voice app shows as (917) 983-0421 and on Whatsapp as (908) 224-4005. During our online "romance" he said that he would teach me how to trade on Quotex - a crypto trading exchange. He sent me the link (also shows as when signed into the mobile site accessed through my Coinbase wallet mobile app). I have not synced my Coinbase account to that mobile wallet. However I have wire transferred my funds a couple times from Coinbase to the scam exchange site. With "Luke's" "help" I put 2 loans and my withdrawn IRA in on the scam exchange site, and then he told me what to do and I "made" over 40k profit within the site. I was able to withdraw 200 USDT the first time, and then within 24 hours I withdrew 1600 USDT the 2nd time, and on the same day when I realized that his videos belonged to Wesley and not Luke, I decided to withdraw the balance of over 126k. The scam exchange froze my account and then sent me a message that they will fine me a 10% risk deposit (13620.3 USDT) if I do not pay the fine by May 30th, 2023. The exchange claims that I put the money at risk because I made 2 withdrawals in one day. If I do not pay, I will then be "fined 3% of the overdue daily tax fee, and the fine is capped at 100% of the risk deposit". From what I understand, the official Quotex site does not charge withdrawal fees and does not have any withdrawal limits. At that point I then realized that I was being scammed. Today he is trying to convince me to withdraw more money and pay the risk fee. I do not want to do this after researching and finding that is a scam site.

Targeted Person's Location

IL, USA- 60605

Scammer Information
Scammer location logo

White Plains, NY

Mail logo

Unknown Email

Mobile logo

(917) 983-0421

Web logo

Unknown URL

Scam Type


Learn More

Business name

Romance - Crypto/Investment Scam

Date Reported

June 2, 2023

Scam ID


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