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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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I was ask on linkedIn if I was interested in investing in bitcoin, so I started with $5000, and then the money grew by itself. Few time here and there he was asking me to put more so he can grow my ROI so I did and this for a year until I decided I need to take the money out. Then I had to pay 10% commission out first which was $15 000. Then the money got send to an escrow account because I did not pay in the first 21 days, then I got the money out of there, after another $10 000. Then they told me I need a certificate of another $10 000 to get the money out of the country. Again I had to pay all that in 21 days always. So got another $10 000 for it to be deliver to my house because the check was too hight to be sent by mail or transfer by any other means, then another $10 000 because the money got stuck at the us border and them too wanted their part of it, and a bunch of little fees like that all along the way until, i said thats enough. I should have smarted up earlier then that but when you have so much invested it is hard to belive that you have been that dumb and got caught.

Dollars Lost


Targeted Person's Location

AB, CAN- T2K 4R3

Scammer Information
Scammer location logo

Unknown Location

Mail logo

Unknown Email

Mobile logo

(720) 295-5846

Web logo

Scam Type


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Business name


Date Reported

April 27, 2023

Scam ID


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