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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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This company does a radio "interview" every 3 weeks on Coast to Coast AM pitching all kinds of "health cures" if you just buy their supplements. He claims he can fix basically every known disease if you just buy his pills. On 3/7 Dr. Wallach actually bragged, "I have helped people walk in 90 days after they've been in a wheelchair because of fused knee caps." I was curious to learn more because I have been in a wheelchair for almost 10 years because of fused knee caps. I emailed asking for more info and got a reply asking me to call one of their doctors. when I told him what Dr. Wallach said, he LITERALLY started laughing and said, "Dr. Wallach exaggerates. It's not possible to do what he said" then tried to pitch me some of his snake oil supplements anyway. This company has been busted for lying about stuff in the past so I'm surprised they haven't been shut down.

Targeted Person's Location

NV, USA- 89074

Scammer Information
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Unknown Location

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(855) 949-7234

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Scam Type

Worthless Problem-solving Service

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Date Reported

March 13, 2023

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