BBB Great West + Pacific Accreditation Revocations

Why does BBB revoke Accreditations from businesses?

BBB Accreditation is an ongoing commitment. Businesses that earn it must work to maintain it, and they do that by continuing to uphold the BBB Standards for Accreditation. If at any point a BBB Accredited Business fails to meet one of these standards, their BBB Accreditation may be revoked. This happens when the business no longer embodies the values and qualities BBB encourages customers to look for when making a purchasing decision.

How does the revocation process work?

A dedicated BBB committee identifies and reviews instances of Accredited Businesses not living up to the BBB Standards for Accreditation. Every week, this seven-person committee takes a vote to revoke the Accreditation of those businesses. The vote needs a majority to pass.

Businesses that are voted by the committee to have their Accreditation revoked go on to be reviewed by the BBB Great West + Pacific Board of Directors. After their review, if the Board also passes a majority vote, the businesses under review lose their BBB Accreditation. It’s officially revoked.

Can businesses appeal the revocation of their BBB Accreditation?

Yes. Businesses have 15 days to appeal their revocation. If they do decide to appeal, these businesses* are then provided an opportunity to present their reasoning for maintaining their Accreditation directly to the BBB Great West + Pacific Appeals Committee.

*Businesses listed with an asterisk (*) are currently in the appeals process.

Are revocations permanent?

No. Revocations last one year from the date they become official. After that time, businesses may once again apply to become BBB Accredited and will once again be reviewed according to the BBB Standards for Accreditation.

Media inquiries

If you have further questions, please visit the Great West + Pacific Newsroom to contact us.