BBB Manitoba Charitable Foundation in white letters on a blue background

BBB Foundation of Manitoba and NW Ontario

THE MISSION of BBB Foundation is to support the future of the Manitoba and NW Ontario business community, raising up an ethical marketplace for tomorrow, by creating both ethics education and opportunities for students and businesses. 

LIFT Ethics Certificate Program

lift program logo

The LIFT program teaches employees and students the importance of integrity and ethics and how both of those concepts affect them right now and in their futures. The workshop and project based learning curriculum offers an introduction to business ethics as well as personal character lessons. These lessons focus on topics like responsibility, character, values, and development, and the program concludes with each student presenting their project and signing the LIFT Commitment to Conduct.

Program Overview

Click here to download LIFT Information Flyer


LIFT Certificate requires you to:

  • Complete LIFT Program as outlined above
  • Complete and demonstrate all project requirements
  • Demonstrate an example of how small decisions lead to major issues
  • Demonstrate knowledge of at least 2 approaches to ethical decision making and illustrate an application of each
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the general definitions and applications of:
    • Characteristics of Personal Responsibility
    • Characteristics of Personal Character
    • Personal Values
    • Characteristics of Personal Development
    • Present a personal experience that demonstrates ethical decision making including lessons learned
    • Sign and commit to the LIFT Commitment to Conduct upon program completion


I willingly pledge to apply the following standard of ethical conduct in my school, work and personal life and to strive to always to maintain a positive personal track record of ethical decision making by:

  • Working towards understanding others and being respectful of others and their opinions, even if opposite of my own.
  • Thinking through situations and possible ethical dilemmas before acting by using the steps laid out in the LIFT program.
  • Being transparent and telling the truth in my school, work and personal environments and understand that it is important in creating an ethical environment. 
  • Honoring my promises.
  • Being proactive regarding challenging situations and issues – i.e. being an “upstander” not a “bystander.”
  • Embodying integrity in my school, work and personal environments.


For questions please contact us