Tips for a great holiday season

Let BBB help make your online shopping safe. Use and share these tips to make the most of the holiday season.  

Mark your calendar

Black Friday is the single busiest shopping day of the year. These tips can make your Black Friday shopping experience productive… and maybe even enjoyable.

Cyber Monday is one of the year's top shopping days. When hunting for deals, be wary of misleading ads, lookalike websites, and untrustworthy sellers.

After the crowds and chaos of Black Friday, check out the small, local, and independent businesses participating in Small Business Saturday.

The spirit of the holidays means giving to favorite causes and the less fortunate. Check out these tips and do your research before donating.

Shop safe, shop smart

As online shopping becomes more prevalent, so do online shopping scams. BBB has tips.

Pop-up shops can be fun, but keep these tips in mind if you choose to buy from one of them.

Advent calendars have become a fixture of the holiday season. With so many options, some costing hundreds of dollars, what should you know before purchasing one? BBB recommends the following.

Every year, a handful of popular toys make every kid's holiday wish list. Avoid scams when shopping for these toy gifts.

BBB recommends the following tips to help you find the perfect gift: one that is safe, within your budget, and one your pet will adore.

This holiday season, supply chain problems, shipping delays, and inflation are making it even tougher to create and stick to a budget.

The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) has crafted a set of recommendations for parents and guardians to make informed purchasing decisions this season.

If you are shopping for an artificial Christmas tree this year, prepare to be impressed by the options. 

The end of the year is a time to show appreciation for those who provide necessary services and little luxuries in your daily life, BBB recommends the following tips to help you tip confidently while staying within your budget.

Read the fine print

Whether you’re pressed for time or the recipient is hard to shop for, a gift card is sure to make the perfect gift.

Refund and exchange policies vary greatly from store to store. These tips will help to make your holiday returns run more smoothly.

Protect your packages

With millions of packages delivered each year, con artists and thieves have developed many ways to steal from shoppers. 

Online shoppers should be aware of ‘porch pirates’ - people stealing packages from unsuspecting homeowners.


Protect yourself against the 12 scams that are mostly likely to catch consumers and donors off guard during the Christmas season.

Looking for seasonal work? Avoid employment scams trying to steal your personal information or money.

The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act governs collecting information from and about children.

The “Secret Sister” gift exchange and similar invitations promoted on social media are illegal and should be ignored.

Scams sites take your money but either never send the advent calendar or send one of very questionable quality.

Scoring a great deal this holiday season is exciting. Unfortunately, con artists are using that same feeling of excitement to lure shoppers into scams. 

Each year, there's one popular-but-impossible-to-find toy that all the kids want. 

Some consumers have recently been getting text messages directing them to "update delivery preferences" which results in the theft of personal information.

Prepare your business for the holidays

Black Friday is quickly approaching, and if you haven't started thinking about your marketing activities yet, then it's time to get a jump on it. Here are eight Black Friday stats that you need to know.

The holiday season is officially here. Here are BBB's tips for ensuring a profitable end for 2023!

The holiday season is the busiest time of year for most small businesses and retail stores.

The holiday season offers small business owners a unique opportunity to connect with customers and increase brand awareness.

Plan your travel

Here are some tips for flying this holiday season.

Sometimes it's easiest to have someone else do the planning for you.