Photo of sad businesswoman working at her home for Christmas holidays

Don't let scams ruin the holidays

Learn how to protect your personal information, spot red flags, and shop confidently during the busiest time of year.

Stay safe this holiday season with BBB’s expert tips on avoiding common scams.

The holiday season is a prime time for scammers looking to take advantage of busy shoppers and businesses. From fake delivery texts to gift exchange schemes, it's important to stay vigilant. On this page, you'll find tips to help you avoid common holiday scams, protect your personal information, and keep your business safe during the busiest time of year. Let BBB guide you through staying secure this holiday season.

Featured: The naughty list - BBB's 12 scams of the holidays

With the year quickly winding down, Better Business Bureau has compiled our naughty list of the top 12 scams of Christmas. Be mindful of these scams that could cut into your holiday cheer.


Holiday gifting scams

Beware of gift exchange schemes and too-good-to-be-true offers with our guide to common holiday gifting scams.

Hot toys sell out fast and become expensive and hard to find. Don’t let scammers trick you into accidentally buying a fake (or non-existent) version of a popular toy.

A gift exchange among online friends may look like innocent fun, they are pyramid schemes and illegal.

Young sad man texting on smart phone while feeling lonely on Christmas Eve at home.

Know the signs of a fake text delivery scam

Consumers get text messages stating that a major delivery carrier needs them to "update delivery preferences" on a package by clicking a link. The problem? The texts are scams, and the links result in the theft of personal information, money, or both.


Holiday job and business scams

Learn how to spot job scams and protect your business from fraud during the holiday rush.

Retailers and shippers traditionally hire seasonal workers to fulfill holiday shoppers' demands. These jobs are a great way to make extra money. However, they are sometimes not all that they seem.

You may be familiar with BBB's annual 12 scams of Christmas. Now BBB is bringing you the same list in a business edition, naming the top 12 scams targeting businesses with their Scrooge-like frauds.

Holiday social media and web scams

Don’t get tricked by holiday surveys or social media giveaways that aim to steal your personal info.

During the holidays, scammers put a seasonal spin on common social media ad scamsBBB Scam Tracker receives reports each year of social media advent calendar scams targeting shoppers.

Scoring a great deal this holiday season is exciting. Unfortunately, con artists are using that same feeling of excitement to lure shoppers into scams. 

Going big with your holiday decorations? Don’t fall for this scam

If you’re planning to get festive with your Halloween, Christmas, or other holiday decorations, keep your eyes open for a scam that uses false advertising and bogus products to steal shoppers' money. 

Additional holiday resources

The holiday season is one of the busiest shopping seasons for consumers. BBB has tips to help consumers make smart shopping decisions, find the best deals, budget for gift-giving, and make gift returns and exchanges. 

Get your business ready for the holiday rush with BBB’s expert tips on inventory management, customer service, and marketing strategies. Learn how to optimize operations, boost sales, and provide a seamless holiday experience for your customers.