It can be frustrating and scary to fall behind in payments on credit cards or other accounts. Understand what rights you have as a consumer, learn what collection agencies can and cannot do, then take steps to resolve the issue.
You may be considering getting a loan for a major purchase, home repairs, or pay off high-interest debt. BBB recommends thinking it through and doing the right research with the following tips.
Promises of reduced debt, low-interest loans and magical fixes to your credit score that are arriving in the mailbox or email box are tempting, but be aware of the difference and know which is the best solution to get out of debt.
Scammers are taking advantage of recent changes to student loan repayment programs to confuse borrowers, tricking them into falling for various schemes.
During financial hardship, many have turned to payday loans and other short-term solutions to improve their finances. Here's what you should know before taking out a payday loan.
When interest rates are enticing enough to consider taking out a loan or refinancing a loan for businesses or consumers, BBB recommends researching the lender before committing any financial information.
Before going to the bank or clicking on an online ad to borrow money, BBB recommends that you protect yourself and your property by knowing the facts and doing your homework.
Sometimes you need extra cash to tide you over to payday. Several apps are eager to provide that service. Before signing up for one, research it first and watch out for hidden fees and other pitfalls.
If you’ve ever needed extra cash to tide you over to your next paycheck, you understand the appeal of a payday loan. Here’s what you should know before taking out a payday loan from a social media ad.
No matter how much you need a loan, don't overlook this big red flag. Companies that allegedly guarantee loans without seeing your credit history are likely scams.