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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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I came across an ad on Facebook under the name Joseph Martinez Crafts, featuring the story of a US veteran named JM, who lost his legs and arm and turned to handmade crafts. However, the photos and story were actually stolen from a real US veteran named TM. This same scam is being perpetuated in other selling groups on Facebook under various fake names like MS. The product advertised was supposedly handmade in the US by "JM," showcasing stained glass birds. However, the product I received was far from what was advertised—it was a cheap piece of printed plastic with dull colors, and it was mailed from China, not the US. Upon requesting a full refund and providing evidence of the misrepresented product, I was offered only a 20% refund and told I could keep or sell the counterfeit product. Despite further attempts to communicate and request a full refund, they have stopped responding. This scam, which involves impersonating a US veteran, stealing their photos, and mailing low-quality counterfeits from China, is unacceptable and needs to be addressed.

Dollars Lost


Targeted Person's Location

NY, USA- 12901

Scammer Information
Scammer location logo

Unknown Location

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Unknown Phone Number

Web logo

Scam Type

Counterfeit Product

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Business name

Joseph's Artistic Crafts

Date Reported

April 16, 2024

Scam ID


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