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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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This company, Mystery Keto pulled $59.94 out of my account on August 30, 2023 and it wasn't authorized by me. I called the company at 855.926-9216 and spoke to customer service. They did not have any information that was associated with my personal information except my credit card information. The name and email address associated with this company was my fiance who doesn't use my credit card for any reason, plus she couldn't have made a purchase because she was incarcerated at the time of this withdrawal. My bank information has never been associated with my fiance name or email. The merchants could not explain how they were able to withdraw funds without my authorization and using someone else's name and email. They would not refund my account. I have researched the Internet trying to find information on this company and I have not been successful. With permission from my fiance, I was able to find an cancellation email sent from this company but the name was totally different from Mystery Keto it was from a company called Subgenix Products. com with a phone number 855.735-7352 & a purchased ID as D3AE77DBAE. I was scammed by this company using my credit card information and someone else name and email address. There is no information on the Internet about this company. I did do a dispute with my bank against this merchant company.

Dollars Lost


Targeted Person's Location

Unknown Location

Scammer Information
Scammer location logo

Cromell, CT

Mail logo

Unknown Email

Mobile logo

(855) 926-9216

Web logo

Scam Type

Online Purchase

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Business name

Subgenix Products

Date Reported

September 6, 2023

Scam ID


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