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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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I posted a vehicle for sale on Craigslist (evidently first mistake), and got several inquiries. Of which 2 people texted me separately saying that they were interested. The first person asked if I had a WIC report on the motorcycle, and I said no- looked on the website and PAID to get a history report. Later a second person texted me asking if I had a GMC report on the bike ... I said no, and suspected I was being scammed. I immediately locked my credit card. Then I emailed and texted the company that charged me for a "car report" saying they needed to refund me and that I was going to report them. I got several phone calls once I sent that, and then an email from the faux company saying they would refund me. I am still waiting to see the refund in my account. Below is the contact information for the scammers at large. Transaction Cloud Inc [email protected] +1 986-689-8219 +1 586-689-4338 +1 647-576-0327 +1 516-619-8710

Dollars Lost


Targeted Person's Location

Unknown Location

Scammer Information
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Mobile logo

(986) 689-8219

Web logo

Scam Type

Online Purchase

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Business name

online purchase

Date Reported

August 24, 2023

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