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This content is based on victim and potential victim accounts. Government agencies and legitimate business names and phone numbers are often used by scam artists to take advantage of people.

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I read an ad for Regen CBD Gummies. I thought I ordered something like 3 bottles for about $39.95. When the bill showed up it was for $199.88. I contacted them by phone and email as soon as I saw that, maybe a couple hours later, asking to cancel my order and to get a refund. I was told it was too late. When I looked on my credit card statement there was also a charge for $59.99. I talked to a person who finally authorized a discount of $130.00. I said okay as I thought it was better than nothing. I did get 5 bottles of gummies plus 2 bottles of capsules I did not intend to buy. Now I have read on line that this is a scam, and the gummies are inferior to others. I probably won 't get my money back, but I want to warn others.

Targeted Person's Location

Unknown Location

Scammer Information
Scammer location logo


Mobile logo

(855) 477-9949

Web logo

Unknown URL

Scam Type


Learn More

Business name


Date Reported

July 17, 2023

Scam ID


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