Clean-up unanswered and/or unresolved complaints
For each outstanding issue your company received we have sent notification by mail, fax, or email. Please review your current business profle and contact information for accuracy.
Mark any updates or corrections and fax to 713-867-4947 or email the changes back to our Dispute Resolutions Department.
Q - Are accredited businesses held to a different standard than non-accredited companies?
A - Accredited businesses companies are required to resolve complaints. If this cannot be achieved through the normal complaint process, they are required to submit to mediation/arbitration.
Q - How soon will my BBB report be updated? Any changes to our database are updated in real-time.
A - We report on closed cases only. If a response is sent to a complaint we copy your company’s response and send it out to the consumer for review. We give the consumer 30 days to get back with us on if it resolves their case or not. If they do not get back to us we close the case as assumed resolved. We welcome their reply at any time even after we close the case. We allow late replies for both consumers and companies.
Q - Will I hear from the BBB again on these cases?
A - Only if we need additional information or responses. Otherwise no. You are more than welcome to check back with us in 30 days to find out the outcome.
Q - What should I include in my response?
A - Stick to the facts. Don’t write the answer when you are upset. Have someone else review the response to check it for industry terms that need definition and to fact check. Include copies of contracts or store policies that may be in question. Remember, a copy of your company’s reply goes out to the consumer with their feedback form.
Q - How long do complaints remain on a companies record?
A - Three years or exactly 36 months from the date that they are closed-not filed.
Q - Does the BBB take complaints on non-accredited businesses?
A - We do take and process complaints on accredited and non-accredited businesses. We post the results of the complaint and the basic nature of the issue.
Q - Why does the complaint remain on the companies record even after it’s been resolved?
A - We post the outcome of all complaints filed and the basic nature of the complaint for potential consumers to see a company’s complaint history. They use it to make informed decisions before doing business with any company.
It is important to view your report on a regular basis to check for accurate contact information and to ensure all complaints have been answered, fully addressed and resolved.