Greetings! My name is Grant Burkett. I am a Colorado native and hail from Highlands Ranch, CO now living in Fort Collins as a Senior at CSU studying Communications and Business Administration. I enjoy laughing and socializing with my friends and family and have a deep interest in all things baseball. I have a passion for helping businesses grow and learning about the ethical practices that shape them along the way. I value learning more about people and organizations by means of meaningful conversations and fostering real connections through effective and thorough communication.
Ethics Scholar Internship
The Better Business Bureau’s Ethics Scholar Internship Program is designed to provide students with an in-depth look at trust and ethics in business. Students selected for the Ethics Scholar Internship will work with businesses and/or nonprofits that have been nominated for the elite BBB Torch Award for Ethics. The Ethics Scholars will research the nominated organizations and work collaboratively with the executive teams, employees and customers of local businesses to prepare both a written and verbal analysis as to how the business achieves BBB’s TRUST! Principles.
BBB Ethics Scholars will also have the opportunity to be paired with business mentors in their field of study and upon successful completion of the internship, will be promoted as potential employees to our more than 4,000 BBB Accredited Businesses in Northern Colorado and Wyoming. BBB Ethics Scholars will gain experience and further develop as an ethical leader while sharpening their critical thinking, writing, interviewing, and presentation skills.