Become a Mystery Shopper

Sign up to become a mystery shopper with the BBB of Chicago and Northern Illinois. Fill out the form below and one of our reps will be in touch with you shortly. 

Are you at least 21 years of age?
Do you live in a
Do you rent or own?
Do you own a vehicle?
When do you work?
How far would you be willing to travel on assignment?
When are you generally available?
Do you speak any of these languages aside from English?
Would you be interested in being added to our secret shoppers list and be contacted for future assignments?
I would like to subscribe to the BBB Consumer e-Newsletter

BBB values and utilizes mystery shoppers to help investigate marketplace activity. Mystery shoppers are selected for individual assignments which usually consist of contacting or visiting an assigned company to pose as a consumer and obtain information on how the company conducts its business. The mystery shopper then documents the experience per specific instructions provided by BBB staff and provides this information to BBB. The mystery shopper is then compensated for work based on the assignment -  $75 for shopping that involves only email or phone, and $100 for shopping that involves visiting a location or having the business come to the shopper’s home. Mystery shoppers will never be asked to pay for any materials or purchase any services or goods for any assignment. Please note that while BBB greatly values the work mystery shoppers provide, they are not considered employees of BBB.