5 Gestures of Trust

How do you build trust within your organization and with customers? It is a key question for all businesses and nonprofits. The Better Business Bureau's 5 Gestures of Trust presentation looks at what it takes to be seen as a trustworthy leader, company or nonprofit, and the steps you can take to get there. These key tools will help your organization make trust a strategic asset, and build the relationships you need to succeed. 



BBB presenting to a local group

The 5 Gestures of Trust presentation is available in person or live online via Zoom. All Better Business Bureau® presentations are available free of charge, but donations to the BBB in Western Michigan Educational Foundation are welcome. Questions about 5 Gestures of Trust or how to book a presentation can be directed to Troy Baker, BBB VP of Commuity Relations and Educational Foundation, at troy@westernmichigan.bbb.org





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Make a tax-deductible donation to the BBB Educational Foundation to help support the free programming provided to local schools, seniors, community groups and businesses.