African restaurant owner working only with take away orders during corona virus outbreak. Young black woman wearing face mask giving takeout meal to customer outside her cafeteria. Customer pick up take-away food ordered at home, support local small business during covid19 pandemic.

Gain by giving | BBB of Miami Valley

Connecting BBB Accredited Businesses with BBB Accredited Charities


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BBB is the connecting point between companies that can and nonprofits that need.

Gain by Giving is an expression of our passion for promoting positive partnerships between BBB Accredited Businesses and BBB Accredited Charity Seal Holders. By bringing businesses and nonprofits together strategically and thoughtfully, we create community in the purest sense of the word. Those that have needs ask; those that have means give. Together, we’re working for the collective ideal. Whatever your role, we want to help you help the community, as well as do our part to secure you trustworthy allies along the way.

Coworkers discussing in meeting room at creative office

If you’re an Accredited Business that can, here’s what you do:

  • Take stock of your resources (are your employees looking to volunteer?);
  • Determine where you have excess (do you have extra materials laying around or even talent to offer?);
  • Consider donating;
  • Fill out this form using the Accredited Business button above or by going to; then
  • Feel good about yourself.
Friends linking arms in unity

If you’re a nonprofit in need, here’s what you do:

  • Take stock of your resources (are you in need of board members or volunteers?);
  • Determine where you have needs (what materials or repairs does your organization need?);
  • Consider asking;
  • Fill out this form using the Accredited Charity button above or by going to; then
  • Feel good about your goals.


For more information, contact Christy Mauch at (937) 610-2264 or