YouTube Ads for Accredited Businesses

BBB Cleveland: YouTube advertising

YouTube ads allows your business to showcase its services through video content that plays before or during a user's YouTube video. These ads can help you to reach a wider audience and promote your business in a more engaging and dynamic way.

  • Your company’s video ad will be seen thousands of times monthly by YouTube users in your market area. Co-branded with BBB. 
  • Video ads are more engaging than traditional ads and can capture viewers' attention more effectively
  • YouTube ads are created for you at NO charge beyond the monthly fee.
  • Flat rate - we do not charge per click (PPC). 
  • We’ll target keywords like your brand, type of service, and location to narrow down the target audience. 

Benefits of YouTube ads

  • Be found on Google
  • Reaches a broad audience 
  • Boosts brand credibility 
  • Video has a high conversion rate 
  • YouTube for business is a constant