Teen boy writing

Canton Regional/ Greater WV

BBB Life Lessons Essay Contest:  About the contest

About the contest

BBB Life Lessons is a theme-based essay contest that challenges students to reflect on living a life of integrity and ethics. The essays are submitted online and reviewed by a panel of judges. The top six essays are then awarded scholarships ranging from $500 - $2,500.

The BBB Charitable & Educational Fund, Inc. sponsors the contest recognizing outstanding youth that best demonstrates through reflection what living a life with ethics and integrity truly looks like.

Using volunteer judges from the business and education community, the judges evaluate and score the essays and select finalists. The winners are notified and then recognized by receiving a certificate of recognition and scholarship award. 

This year's theme

The theme for the 2025 essay contest is ''AI's impact on core values". The BBB’s 3 essential core values are ethics, integrity, and trust. Students should describe how artificial intelligence (AI) can impact these core values. What responsibilities do you have as a student related to AI? Students should share a positive or negative personal experience describing when AI has impacted these core values.