BBB Akron donor resources

Every year nonprofits play a greater role in our community. Nonprofits serve the needs of our friends and neighbors, often when they are in the most need. BBB Akron has created a host of resources to help donors make informed decisions about where to give, and to help them avoid scams. We invite you to take advantage of the options below. These will help you find organizations you are comfortable with and trust to deliver on the missions you care about most.

BBB Accredited Charities

See a list of BBB Accredited Charities that have met all 20 Standards of Charitable Accountability and click through to read their reports. National Charity lookup allows you to search for national charities and learn whether they meet all 20 Standards of Charity Accountability.

group of volunteers helping at food drive

Ask about a charity

Have a specific question about a local charity? If you are having trouble navigating our charity reports, contact us directly to let us help you find what you need to know to donate or volunteer with trust.