The following BBB Accreditation Representatives work on behalf of the BBB serving Metro Washington DC and Eastern PA
Vivian Cartwright - (202) 773-0523
Ron Caruthers - (202) 393-8036
Shawn Colomer - (771) 210-2414
Jim Curcio, Director of Business Development (PA) - (215) 893-3877
Elaine Davis - (202) 600-2387, ext. 174
Andrea Dixon - (202) 393-8026
Natalie Duke - (202) 638-1127
Kevin Gallagher - (215) 204-7998
Brian Harvey - (215) 893-3887
Leslie Hinton - (202) 640-2917
Derrick Hydleburg - (202) 393-8034
William Irvin - (215) 893-3863
Erik Johnson - (202) 638-1162, (215) 999-1465
Vince Karlen (215) 893-3862
Rebecca Kieser, Director of Business Development (DC) - (202) 470-0637
Terry Lancaster - (202) 783-0607
Max Lambert - (717) 364-3254
David Marino - (202) 221-3252 and (215) 944-0909, ext. 107
Samuel Martin - (202) 638-1168
Mike McGee - (215) 893-3866
Jerron Patton - (202) 938-1901
Elizabeth Posival - (202) 638-1162
Sharon Randolph - (202) 393-1128
Gordon Raymond - (202) 783-1367
Carl Seldon - (215) 893-3864
Duane Smith - (202) 558-4644
Brian Tangradi - (215) 893-3875
Robert Taylor - (215) 893-3881
Melissa Walts - (771) 210-2354