Resilient New York: How Nonprofit Leaders are Managing the Unexpected

BBB Charity Effectiveness Symposium VII

Keynote Address

Keynote Address delivered by Sheena Wright, President & CEO, United Way of New York City.

Welcome Remarks from

Claire Rosenzweig

An update from the Charities Bureau with

Jason R. Lilien

Panel Discussion moderated by

Timothy J. McClimon

Introduction of the Keynote Speaker by

Patricia Swann

Question and Answer session moderated by

James A. Krauskropf


Resilient New York: How Nonprofit Leaders are Managing the Unexpected
BBB Charity Effectiveness Symposium VII
February 26, 2013
Baruch College Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Claire Rosenzweig, CAE, President & CEO, Better Business Bureau Serving Metropolitan New York, and the Education and Research Foundation of the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York, Inc.

David S. Birdsell, Dean and Professor, Baruch College School of Public Affairs

Opening Remarks
Update from the Charities Bureau
Speaker: Jason R. Lilien, Bureau Chief of the Charities Bureau, State of New York Office of the Attorney General

Panel Discussion
Lessons From Sandy: What Funders and Grantees Are Learning
Moderator: Ronna Brown, President, Philanthropy New York
Emary Aronson, Managing Director, Education & Relief Fund, Robin Hood Foundation
Marilyn Gelber, President, Brooklyn Community Foundation
David Okorn, Executive Director, Long Island Community Foundation

Panel Discussion
Building Resilient Leaders, Organizations and Communities
Moderator: Timothy J. McClimon, President, American Express Foundation
Nancy Biberman, Founder and President, WHEDco
Valyrie K. Laedlein, Co-Director, Community Resource Exchange
Trish Tchume, Director, Young Nonprofit Professionals Network

Keynote Remarks
Resilient New York: How Nonprofit Leaders Are Managing the Unexpected
Speaker: Sheena Wright, President & CEO, United Way of New York City

Introduced by Patricia Swann, Senior Program Officer, Community Development and the Environment, The New York Community Trust

Question Moderator: James A. Krauskropf, Distinguished Lecturer and Director, The Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management, Baruch College School of Public Affairs