BBB Metro NY - Thinking Out of the Box: Meeting Challenges with Creative Leadership

BBB Charity Effectiveness Symposium VI

Keynote Address

Keynote Address delivered by Maria Mottola, Executive Director, New York Foundation.

Panel Discussion moderated by

Timothy J. McClimon

An update from the Charities Bureau with

Jason R. Lilien


Thinking Out of the Box: Meeting Challenges with Creative Leadership
BBB Charity Effectiveness Symposium VI
February 28, 2012
Baruch College Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Keynote Address
The Art of Thinking Big: Learning from Grassroots Leaders
Speaker: Maria Mottola, Executive Director, New York Foundation

Introduced by Ronna Brown, President, Philanthropy New York

Question Moderator: James A. Krauskopf, Distinguished Lecturer and Director, The Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management, Baruch College School of Public Affairs

Panel Discussion
Meeting Challenges with Creativity: Views from Innovators
Moderator: Timothy J. McClimon, President, American Express Foundation
David Garza, Executive Director, Henry Street Settlement
Paula L. Gavin, President, National Urban Fellows
Evie Hantzopoulos, Executive Director, Global Kids

Featured Speaker
Update from the Charities Bureau
Speaker: Jason R. Lilien, Bureau Chief of the Charities Bureau, State of New York Office of the Attorney General

Panel Discussion
Managing Great Performance: Differentiating Your Organization Through Stellar Planning and Evaluation
Moderator: Hilda H. Polanco, CPA, CCSA, Founder and Managing Director, Fiscal Management Associates, LLC
Sister Paulette LoMonaco, Executive Director, Good Shepherd Services
Megan McAllister, Program Officer, Altman Foundation
Peter York, Senior Partner and Chief Research and Learning Officer, TCC Group