Mastering the New Normal: Strategies and Insights from Change Leaders

BBB Charity Effectiveness Symposium V

Keynote Address

Keynote Address delivered by Doug Bauer, Executive Director of The Clark Foundation.

Panel Discussion moderated by

Timothy J. McClimon

Charities Bureau Update with

Jason R. Lilien


Mastering the New Normal: Strategies and Insights from Change Leaders
BBB Charity Effectiveness Symposium V
February 22, 2011
Baruch College Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Keynote Address
The Now Needs for the New Normal
Speaker: Doug Bauer, Executive Director of The Clark Foundation

Introduced by Ronna Brown, President, Philanthropy New York

Question Moderator: James A. Krauskopf, Distinguished Lecturer and Director, The Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management, Baruch College School of Public Affairs

Panel Discussion
Champions for Change: Learning from Leaders
Moderator: Timothy J. McClimon, President, American Express Foundation
Charles Best, Founder and CEO,
Cheryl Dorsey, President, Echoing Green
Sheena Wright, President & CEO, Abyssinian Development Corporation

Featured Speaker
Insights from the Charities Bureau
Speaker: Jason R. Lilien, Bureau Chief of the Charities Bureau, State of New York Office of the Attorney General

Panel Discussion
Breakthrough Strategies: Using Mission Focus to Drive Effective Nonprofit Branding, Partnerships, and Results
Moderator: Carol Cone, Managing Director and Executive Vice President, Brand & Corporate Citizenship, Edelman
Lucy Cabrera, Ph.D., CAE, President & CEO, Food Bank for New York City
Caryl M. Stern, President & CEO, U. S. Fund for UNICEF
Susanna Zwerling, Vice President, Government and External Affairs, Verizon New York