BBB Metro NY - Transforming Ourselves: Building Effective Leaders, Organizations, and Communities

BBB Charity Effectiveness Symposium IV

Keynote Address

Keynote address delivered by Victor De Luca, President, Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation and Mayor of Maplewood, NJ.

Welcome Remarks from Claire Rosenzweig and David S. Birdsell

Charities Bureau Update with Jason R. Lilien

Panel Discussion moderated by

Iris Chen

Panel Discussion moderated by

Cheryl Green Rosario

Panel Discussion moderated by

David S. Birdsell


(Whitepaper summary only, the workshop was not filmed)


Transforming Ourselves: Building Effective Leaders, Organizations, and Communities
BBB Charity Effectiveness Symposium IV
February 23, 2010
Baruch College Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Opening Remarks
Speaker: Jason R. Lilien, Bureau Chief of the Charities Bureau, State of New York Office of the Attorney General

Keynote Address
Leading the Transformation Process
Speaker: Victor De Luca, President, Jessie Smith NoyesFoundation and Mayor of Maplewood, NJ

Introduced by Ronna Brown, President, Philanthropy New York

Question Moderator: James A. Krauskopf, Distinguished Lecturer and Director, The Center for Nonprofit Strategy and Management, Baruch College School of Public Affairs

Panel Discussion
Developing Ourselves as Leaders for Tough Times
Moderator: Iris Chen, President & CEO, “I Have a Dream” Foundation
Richard R. Buery, Jr., President & CEO, The Children’s Aid Society
Scott Millstein,Executive Director, Coro New York Leadership Center
Janice M. Nittoli,Associate Vice President, Managing Director, The Rockefeller Foundation

Panel Discussion
Leading the Arts Organization
Moderator: Cheryl Green Rosario, Director of Philanthropy, American Express
Helene Blieberg, Principal, Helene Blieberg Associates LLC
Cheryl Ikemiya,Senior Program Officer for the Arts, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Louise Mirrer, Ph.D., President and CEO, The New-York Historical Society

Workshop - Protecting Your Nonprofit’s Money In the Post-Madoff Era
Jeffrey S. Tenenbaum, Partner, Venable LLP
Rory M. Cohen,Partner, Venable LLP
William H. Devaney,Partner, Venable LLP

Workshop - Evaluation Milestones-How We Choose and Assess Measurement Points That Add Up to Impact
Speaker: Dr. Kim Sabo Flores, Director, Studio for Participatory Evaluation and Development