BBB Metro NY: Building Capacity for Maximum Impact

BBB Charity Effectiveness Symposium II

Speakers debated controversial impact evaluation questions and shared impact planning tips, with an emphasis on building evaluative skills for organizational learning and improvement. In special sessions, an expert reviewed disclosures required by the new 990 form, and foundation leaders provided their views about measuring and reporting impact. Note: all filmed sessions are posted in one single video. 

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Keynote Address delivered by Gara LaMarche, President and CEO, Atlantic Philanthropies.


Building Capacity for Maximum Impact
BBB Charity Effectiveness Symposium II
February 28, 2008
Baruch College Marxe School of Public and International Affairs

Keynote Address
Building Capacity for Maximum Impact
Speaker: Gara LaMarche, President and CEO, Atlantic Philanthropies

Panel Discussion
What Can We Learn From Our Impact
Moderator: Gordon Campbell, President and CEO, United Way of New York City
Peter York, TCC Group
Lillian Rodriguez-Lopez, Hispanic Federation
Marilyn G. Gelber, Independence Community Foundation

Panel Discussion
What’s Next? Planning for Future Impact
Moderator: Maria Mottola, President, New York Foundation
Jack Krauskopf, Baruch College School of Public Affairs
Carolyn McLaughlin, Citizens Advice Bureau
Barbara Blumenthal, Community Resource Exchange

Workshop - Accountability News: The New 990 and Sarbanes Oxley Tips
Speaker: Julie Floch, Partner, Eisner LLP

Workshop - How Small Nonprofits Can Demonstrate Effectiveness to Funders
Leader: Pat Swann, Program Officer, New York Community Trust
(whitepaper summary only, not filmed)

Workshop - When Measurement Is a Challenge: Tips on Evaluating Hard to Quantify Activities
Leader: Yvonne Moore, Executive Director, Daphne Foundation
(whitepaper summary only, not filmed)