Nonprofit Effectiveness: What Impact Do You Have?
BBB Charity Effectiveness Symposium I
At this symposium, a reporter provided a media viewpoint about charity accountability. Foundation and charity leaders provided contrasting views about nonprofit accountability, program effectiveness, and how to create and implement programs. In breakout sessions, experts discussed various aspects of outcome-oriented planning and evaluation.
CLICK HERE for whitepaper summary of sessions (video not available)
Nonprofit Effectiveness: What Impact Do You Have?
BBB Charity Effectiveness Symposium I
April 10, 2006
The New School University
Keynote Address
Nonprofit Effectiveness: What Impact Do You Have?
Stephanie Strom, New York Times Reporter on Philanthropic Activity
Panel Discussion
Funder Views and Opinions
Moderator: Charles Hamilton, The Clark Foundation
Joyce Bove, The New York Community Trust
Edward Pauly, The Wallace Foundation
Michael Weinstein, Robin Hood Foundation
Panel Discussion
Charity Views and Opinions
Moderator: Harry Hatry, The Urban Institute
Michael Clark, Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York
Robert Egger, DC Central Kitchen
Karen Hopkins, Brooklyn Academy of Music
BarbaraTurk, YWCA of Brooklyn
Workshop I - Connecting Activities with Impact: Challenges for Short-Term Services
Leader: JuWon Choi, Vice President for Educational Services, The Foundation Center
Workshop II - Developing the Capacity of Agencies to Collect and Monitor Outcomes
Leader: Carmen Price, FITA, Medical and Health Association of New York City, Inc.
Workshop III - Creating an Evaluation Culture
Leaders: Leslie Graham, Nonprofit Connection
Carolina Grynbal, Nonprofit Connection
Workshop IV - Outcome Thinking and Management: Shifting Focus from Activities to Results
Leader: William Phillips, The Rensselaerville Institute