BBB® Connecticut Financial Readiness Classes
Interactive & engaging financial workshops
Our experience shows that military personnel are frequently the victims of unethical and unscrupulous business practices. Many are young, often inexperienced consumers whose salaries can be counted on to arrive twice a month, and are a very attractive target for scam artists and other aggressive promoters. Common practices directed at service members include:
- Short-term loans at excessively high interest rates
- Expensive and unnecessary insurance sales
- Exorbitant interest on already overpriced vehicles
- Real estate “deals” that result in high rates of foreclosure
- Worthless “work-at-home” offers
In order to reduce the number of military personnel falling victim to these predatory practices, BBB Military Line uses both web based resources and local BBB outreach.
BBB Military Line offers an array of interactive and engaging Financial Workshops that are taught by your local BBB staff.
These workshops are -
- Smart consumers (available for teen & adult)
- Deals for wheels (available for teen & adult)
- How to buy a home
- Investing for retirement
- Scams and ID Theft
- Smart Investing
Need a Consumer Issues Subject Matter Expert? Your local BBB can provide speakers who work in the world of consumer issues and protection.
Jackie MacKnight
860-740-4500 x 123