Why are there ads on BBB.org?
As a non-profit organization, BBB strives to help build a stronger business community by providing free resources, programs, tools, and materials to consumers and businesses to guide their decisions and behavior. The ads on BBB.org are paid for by businesses, non-profit organizations, and other partners that value the work BBB does and understand the impact it has on marketplace trust and economic growth. Without the generous support of our sponsors, BBB would not be able to provide these resources to all the consumers and businesses we serve from our BBBs across the U.S. and Canada.
To find out about becoming a sponsor or to learn more about the mission of BBB, please reach out to the BBB office in your area by using the BBB directory.
ABOUT BBB: ABOUT BBB: The Better Business Bureau has empowered people to find businesses, brands, and charities they can trust for over 110 years. People turned to BBB.org more than 220 million times in 2024 for BBB Business Profiles on 5.5 million businesses and more than 720,000 times for BBB charity reports on about 12,000 charities.
The International Association of Better Business Bureaus is the umbrella organization for the local, independent BBBs in the United States and Canada.