Journalist With Camera

Job scams in the news

Report: NBC 15: Job scams up 250% in 2023 compared to same time last year

The BBB reports people have lost a combined $840,000 in the first three months of this year. In 2022, it took nine months to reach that same figure.

BBB's job scams study featured on CBS

CBS: Better Business Bureau warns of recent spike in employment scams.

We're hiring sign from Good Morning America video clip

Watch Good Morning America's coverage of BBB's Job Scams Study.

Rice fields on terraced of Mu Cang Chai, YenBai, Vietnam. Rice fields prepare the harvest at Northwest Vietnam.Vietnam landscapes.

“The Ministry of External Affairs has issued a warning to Indian nationals about the growing threat of human traffickers luring individuals with false promises of high-paying jobs in Cambodia and Southeast Asia.”