Scammers can pose as authority figures, like government agencies or your financial institution, in hopes that you’ll trust them and follow their directions. Always do your research and make sure someone is legitimate before sending money.
Better Business Bureau® and Zelle® have partnered to spotlight some of the red flags that can help you spot digital payment scams.
According to BBB research, knowing about scams and scammer tactics can help you keep your money and/or personal information safe if you’re targeted. Below are four red flags that can help you spot a con.
Learn how to protect yourself from scams
BBB resources
General tips:
10 general scam tips
How to spot a scam
Too good to be true:
How to spot a job scam – no matter how sophisticated
Investment scams
Up-front payments:
Puppy scams: How to protect yourself from fake online pet sellers
Rental cons cash in on stressed-out movers
An authority figure reaches out unsolicited:
Ignore phony banking texts and phone calls
Tech support scams
You are pressured to act quickly:
Home improvement scammers take your money, don’t complete work
Romance scams
- English Red Flags
Zelle® and the Zelle® related marks are property of Early Warning Services, LLC.