BBB4Good purpose + profit BBB logo white on blue background  BBB helps consumers choose busineses that incorporate a higher purpose



Choose a Purpose-driven Business with BBB4Good

Do you choose businesses that align with your personal values? Purpose-driven businesses incorporate a higher purpose into their business models. This higher purpose can include social impact or environmental goals that can be measured. Purpose-driven businesses consider the impact of their activities on a variety of stakeholders, including customers, employees, the communities where they do business, and the environment.

Better Business Bureau has introduced the BBB4Good program to help you find these purpose-driven businesses in your community.

What is a BBB4Good Verified Business?

BBB4Good Verified Businesses have been vetted by Better Business Bureau and determined to meet the BBB4Good Standards in four areas: higher purpose, community engagement, authentic marketing, and social good substantiation. Read more about the BBB4Good Standards.

BBB4Good Verified Businesses are BBB Accredited AND BBB4Good Verified.

Positive woman video calling using laptop. Businesswoman teleconferencing on laptop while working from home.

How to find BBB4Good Verified Businesses

Finding purpose-driven businesses is simple. Go to and choose the drop-down for “purpose-driven business.” This will show you BOTH Verified and Self-identified Businesses. ONLY BBB4Good Verified Businesses will display the BBB4Good Trustmark. 

Is there a purpose driven in your community that isn’t on our list? If so, fill out our form to recommend the business for our list.

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Search for purpose-driven businesses in the U.S.


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FAQs for Businesses | FAQs for Consumers | Verification Standards