BBB Business Review

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BBB Request a Quote

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Brief Description of your Request: Please include as much information as possible, including budget, size, color(s), terms, etc.

Accredited Business
6475 Norman Ln
San Diego CA 92120-3945
Natural Stone Cleaning
BBB Accredited since 2012 for 12 years of continuous accreditation.
About BBB Request a Quote

Use this service to obtain estimates, proposals or general information from BBB Accredited Businesses - Set-In-Stone Restoration Inc. Your request will be sent to Set-In-Stone Restoration Inc via e-mail. You will be required to provide your contact information, and then the Accredited Businesses will contact you directly.

For example, you enter in your contact information along with the requested product or service - like "Paint my house," "Landscape front and back yards," "Buy a new computer," "Build an addition to my house," "Buy a car" "Obtain a Mortgage" etc. An email is then sent to Set-In-Stone Restoration Inc. They will contact you directly to provide you with information relative to your request... One stop shopping with businesses you can trust, BBB Accredited Businesses!

Please refer to our Privacy Policy. The personal information you provide will be used only for the purposes for which you have given permission.