This business is not BBB accredited.

V C A Animal Hospitals Inc

Phone: (206) 782-6363 Fax: (206) 248-0264 View Additional Phone Numbers 15707 1st Ave S, Burien, WA 98148 View Additional Web Addresses

Click for BBB Rating on V C A Animal Hospitals Inc

BBB Business Reviews may not be reproduced for sales or promotional purposes.


This company offers emergency pet healthcare, routine pet healthcare and grooming. This company offers a full-service animal hospital. This company offers veterinary services including small animal critical/emergency care and orthopedic care. This company offers a veterinary hospital. This company offers an animal hospital that also provides pet boarding and grooming services. This company offers veterinary and boarding services. This company offers animal care and twenty four hour emergency services. This company offers an animal hospital.

BBB Accreditation

This business is not BBB accredited.

Businesses are under no obligation to seek BBB accreditation, and some businesses are not accredited because they have not sought BBB accreditation.

To be accredited by BBB, a business must apply for accreditation and BBB must determine that the business meets BBB accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB Accredited Businesses must pay a fee for accreditation review/monitoring and for support of BBB services to the public.

BBB Complaint Information

Find aggregate BBB complaint information for V C A Animal Hospitals Inc. BBB of Los Angeles and Silicon Valley (Los Angeles) has the full report as that BBB handles all complaints for V C A Animal Hospitals Inc.

Additional Information

BBB file opened: January 01, 1982 Business started: 04/01/1962 Business started locally: 04/01/1962
Licensing, Bonding or Registration

This business is in an industry that may require professional licensing, bonding or registration. BBB encourages you to check with the appropriate agency to be certain any requirements are currently being met.

These agencies may include:

Alaska Department of Commerce, Community & Economic Development
550 W 7th Ave Ste 1500, Anchorage AK 99501
Phone Number: (907) 269-5200

Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board
800 NE Oregon St Ste 407, Portland OR 97232
Phone Number: (971) 673-0224
Fax Number: 971-673-0226
[email protected]

Washington Department of Health
310 Israel Rd SE, Tumwater WA 98501
Phone Number: (360) 236-4875
[email protected]

Business Management
Ms. Jennifer Anderson Mr. Robert Antin, President Ms. Dragana Gaston, Office Manager Dr. Lonnie Legg, Regional Vice President
Contact Information
Customer Contact: Ms. Dragana Gaston, Office Manager
Related Businesses
V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc V C A Animal Hospitals Inc
Business Category

Veterinarian Veterinary Laboratory Veterinarian Information Pet Grooming Veterinary Services (NAICS: 541940)

Alternate Business Names
Pet Services of Washington PS V C A Alaska Pet Care Animal Hospital V C A Alderwood Companion Animal Hospital V C A Battle Ground Animal Hospital V C A Bering Sea Animal Hospital V C A Cascade Animal Hospital V C A Covington Animal Hospital V C A East Mill Plain Animal Hospital V C A Five Corners Animal Hospital V C A Kent Animal Hospital V C A Lynwood Veterinary Center V C A Magnolia Animal Hospital V C A Ocean Beach Animal Hospital V C A Olympic Animal Hospital V C A Parkway Animal Hospital V C A Silver Lake Animal Hospital V C A Tanglewilde Animal Hospital V C A Veterinary Specialty Center of Seattle V C A West Seattle Veterinary Hospital
Referral Assistance

The following Government Agency(s) or Association(s) may be able to provide you additional information:

Washington Department of Health 310 Israel Rd SE, Tumwater WA 98501 Phone Number: (360) 236-4875 [email protected]

Additional Locations


    15707 1st Ave S

    Burien, WA 98148 (907) 344-5535 (503) 665-1109 (503) 343-4522 (503) 645-4458 (800) 822-7387 (206) 782-6363 (907) 345-1515 (888) 872-7715 (541) 389-6612 (425) 453-8888 (425) 392-8888 (425) 298-5972 (907) 337-1561 (541) 485-4595


BBB Customer Review Rating plus BBB Rating Overview

BBB Customer Reviews Rating represents the customers opinions of the business. The Customer Review Rating is based on the number of positive, neutral and negative customer reviews posted that are calculated to produce a score.

Customer Review Experience Value
Positive Review 5 points per review
Neutral Review 3 points per review
Negative Review 1 point per review

BBB letter grades represent the BBB's opinion of the business. The BBB grade is based on BBB file information about the business. In some cases, a business' grade may be lowered if the BBB does not have sufficient information about the business despite BBB requests for that information from the business.

BBB Letter Grade Scale

BBB Rating Value
A+ 5
A 4.66
A- 4.33
B+ 4
B 3.66
B- 3.33
C+ 3
C 2.66
C- 2.33
D+ 2
D 1.66
D- 1.33
F 1
NR -----
Star Rating scale

  Average Score
5 stars 5.00
4.5 stars 4.50-4.99
4 stars 4.00-4.49
3.5 stars 3.50-3.99
3 stars 3.00-3.49
2.5 stars 2.50-2.99
2 stars 2.00-2.49
1.5 stars 1.50-1.99
1 star 0-1.49

BBB Customer Review Rating plus BBB Rating is not a guarantee of a business' reliability or performance, and BBB recommends that consumers consider a business' BBB Rating and Customer Review Rating in addition to all other available information about the business. If the BBB Rating is NR then only Customer Reviews are used for the Star Rating.

Customer Review(s)

The customer review(s) below are un-filtered. These positive and negative reviews are not used in the calculation of the BBB Rating. If you wish to file a complaint and request a resolution to your issue please click here. This customer review section is not BBBs complaint resolution system. Customer Reviews are the subjective opinion of the individual who posted the review and not of Better Business Bureau. A customer review is not posted on a business if a BBB complaint on the same issue(s) is also filed. BBB cannot guarantee the accuracy of any customer review and is not responsible for the content of any customer review. Public comments are not customer reviews.

Customer Reviews Summary

0 Customer Reviews on V C A Animal Hospitals Inc
Positive Experience (0 reviews)
Neutral Experience (0 reviews)
Negative Experience (0 reviews)