Tell Us About Your Business

Know your BBB Business ID?

This form is for Metro New York Area businesses ONLY.
To see a map of the service area of the BBB of Metro New York, Click Here.
If you are located outside of this service area, you must contact the BBB in your service area. To find your BBB, Click Here.


With this form, you can apply for BBB Accreditation, ask BBB to create a report on your business, or update our records with new information about your business.


  • If you want to apply for BBB Accreditation, fill in the form below, click the button saying you are interested in Accreditation, and click the "Submit Information" button at the bottom.
  • If you want BBB to create a report on your business but are not interested in BBB Accreditation, fill in the form below, click the button saying you do not have an interest in BBB Accredited Business designation, and click the "Submit Information" button at the bottom.
  • If you want to update our records with new information about your business:
    • Click here, which will take you to our Search Page.
    • On the Search Page enter your business' name and click on your business in the resulting list.
    • Your Business ID is shown at the bottom of the report.
    • Enter your Business ID in the box below and click on 'Retrieve My Information.'
    • The form will refresh and show the information we have about you now.
    • Please make any necessary changes and click on 'Submit Information' when you are done.

When we have checked this information, it will be reflected in your report. Please allow a few weeks for the report to be updated.
If you indicated you are interested in Accreditation, our Business Relations department will contact you within a few weeks, after it has reviewed your application.

Business ID #:

Are you interested in applying for BBB Accreditation?

Business Locations & Contact Information
Business Name:
Address 2:
Email Address:

Business History & Details
(Information is confidential and will not be shared with the public)
Date Established:
# of Employees:
# of Locations:
# of Customers:
Annual Gross Revenue:
In which State:
Type of Business:
Is your business subject to licensing?
If yes, which agency or agencies?

Additional Information
Primary Contact(s):
Please include Owner/President, customer care contact(s) - as well as other officers/management (w/ titles, phone number and email address)
Parent Company Name/Address:
(if applicable)
Additional Details/Information:
Your Name:
Your Email Address:
Your Phone #:
If you are already working w/ a BBB Representative, put their name here:
By submitting this form I certify that the information submitted is accurate and truthful. I am also authorizing BBB to create a BBB Business Review on my company if one does not already exist.

BBB Accredited Business designation is available to companies that have been in business for at least 6 months and meet our Accreditation Standards.